WHOAAA!! Introduction Posutoooo

on April 27, 2012
waaaaaaaaaw omgomg wooooooow hellloooo there! author-san here! hehehe xD

Caster and Ryuunosuke. OMG SO DYNAMIC!
This is an intro post, but I will not introduce myself here. HAHAHA! I bet you were surprised there! But I am not lying. I am very honest. hehe.. This will be an introduction post for the site.

This will serve as Saikou no Cool Fansubs' website and also my (not so) personal blog. Basically, I will post our fansub releases here, and I will also blog here! I am not a very good writer so my posts will not be very good, but I assure you, my posts will surely be DYNAMIC!


So, you're all thinking: OMG! DYNAMIC?! WHOA!! what does author-san mean by DYNAMIC?
No problem! I will answer that, because I am very thoughtful. hihi xD. This might surprise you, but the answer is simple. It just means that my all my posts will have a CLIMAX! Yes, a CLIMAX! Now we all know what a climax is right? It's the part where you feel the "WOOOWWWHOAAAAA OMG OMG IT'S THE CLIMAX SO COOOOL!" feeling. And my posts will have that. HAHAHA! You all can't wait for my posts now huh? I can't do anything about that. But I will tell you this: patience is a virtue. hahaha I'm so wise! xD

So that's all, thank you for reading. Look forward to our dynamic blogging and dynamic releases. xD

1 comment(s):

Anonymous said...


Nice to meet you, Saikou no Cool... I look forward to what other projects you work on!


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