Patema Beginning of the Day Preview 2nd version

on May 27, 2012
This is a PV for the next two episodes of Beginning of the Day (or just the 3rd ep). The video quality is bad like the first two episodes. Here you go.
Nice faces. Quality animation by Sunrise.
Torrent  ||  DDL

Fun fact: The whole thing is just 5mb if you don't include the fonts attached.

Also, oooo- wants to help you all understand what you're watching. So please read this very long heartfelt note from oooo-, our translator:
Warning! Spoilers ahead if you haven't watched the first 2 episodes yet.

Dearest cooool anons and non-anons, 
After seeing some things regarding this, I thought I'd pitch in my thoughts on this because... well... idk, it seems cool? Oh so cooool. 
According to my cool brain-- 
..orrr wait, let's enumerate some cool things from the first two episodes first:
  • Upside-down is a vice-versa thing. If Patema sees batman as upside-down, then moooost likely batman sees Patema as upside-down. (This is so cool, why do I even......)
  • Patema lives underground and she has a picture of the true world which floats up. Isn't that cool?
  • They showed a couple of people looking at a report about a sakasama (upside-down) being. They seem to have cool technology.
  • Patema's living quarters seems devoid of cool technology.
  • Batman is not a subterran. Wow. So cool.
  • Patema falls down, or "up" from cool batman's point of view.
  • They showed a boy lying on coooool green grass on what looks to be the surface of the "true world".  
Therefore. According to my cool brain. That is all. Cool. 
Idk, I'm not sure if there's actually a need for this since it doesn't seem to need too much cool thinking (of course the cool truth is that there's really no need for this), but I saw some stuff on the cool thing called the internet and mr. kuuru didn't notice these things either, but he's just way too cool to notice anything I guess 8D and so I thought that it might be cool to be cool and enumerate some cool things. 
Stay cool, cool.

Duck! Peking Duck!,
Cool PS:
They also show something in this preview that's relevant to my cool rant above.

BTW, I did notice most of those things, I just didn't use my brain to figure out things.

2 comment(s):

oooo- said...

It's okay, mr.kuuru, your brain is just too cool to be used. ʅ(◞◉◞ε◟◉◟)ʃ

redemption024 said...

thanks guys... cool

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