One Off PV2 + omg updates

on August 1, 2012
oh baby baby

Torrent  |  DDL

Didn't typeset the seiyuu and staff part in the end because I'm too lazy and you can find it everywhere. 1st OVA will come out on November 28.

We're actually looking for a proper encoder/raw provider. You must be someone who has fast internet and access to BDMVs, and is a cool encoder, and is willing to join.
EDIT: And also someone to help with distro(provide/share an XDCC bot) since we don't plan on spending (or requiring you to pay) money for this. Please email us if you're interested! greatestcool(at)

Update on Tamayura and Patema:

Episode 1 of Tamayura ~hitotose~ is done. Episode 2... not done! xD マイペース hihi

Sakasama no Patema: Beginning of the Day 04 will be streamed on August 25. What will happen to Patema? Will she fall to the sky? Or.... not? OMG SO EXCITING! CAN'T WAIT!

3 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

can't wait for patema day 4 and one off ova 01.
hope you guys are fast as the wind. XD

Anonymous said...

what I have forgot to ask, why wait for BD, as volume 01/part 01 is already aired ans raws are available on nya?

mrkuuru said...

Hey there anon! I haven't looked at the raws yet (lol) but AT-X quality is usually bad or very bad, and we're currently working on a movie (hi... mi... tsu! on what it is lol). But maybe we'll do it when we feel like it. We're generally a マイペース group (of two people haha) so expect our release speed to be unpredictable. :D

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