We'll try to release at least 1 episode per week. If we fail, then... at least we tried!
Here you go!
- 10-bit h264
- No honorifics because we feel that it fits the show more.
- We used Mymlan (original Swedish name) instead of Mymble (from the English translations of the books) because the show used Mimura which they probably got from Mymlan.
I think the video is quite good for a 1990 series. The dot crawl's only very visible on the title so it doesn't really affect the viewing experience.
Also, we received a donation again (surprisingly). We didn't expect this given that we haven't subbed much yet. Fansubbing expenses for 1 more month are now covered thanks to you! Yes! You! Thank you!
Also, we received a donation again (surprisingly). We didn't expect this given that we haven't subbed much yet. Fansubbing expenses for 1 more month are now covered thanks to you! Yes! You! Thank you!
18 comment(s):
It's amazing how different the show looks and feels when watching it in its original Japanese voice-cast. Back when the show aired some 15+ years ago I watched in my native language and the emotional focus was diverted to completely different places. I must say that this happens with childhood shows only.
I've been wanting for this series to be subbed for years. I tried working on it myself, but my listening comprehension is poor, so it was painfully slow work. If there's anything I can do to help with this effort, please contact me at tonygh@verizon.net . If you have subtitles in Japanese, that would help me a lot in working on translation.
Are you hoping to tackle all 104 episodes, or only the original 78?
Sadly, we also don't have Japanese subtitles.
We hope to sub all 104 episodes but we only have raws for the original 78 episodes. If you have raws for season 2(79-104) or know where to get the raws. Please inform us!
I wish you luck in subbing this and I really hope you finish it.
'cause, you know, fuck dubs.
There is a torrent which contained all 104 episodes; I don't know whether it is still active.
I do have the files, but my upload speed is very slow. Let me know if the torrent is no longer active.
Actually, there was another torrent with nicer files (mkvs instead of wmv9s), but I can't find it listed anywhere any more.
Amazing pick-up! Really looking forward to watching this beautiful series in its original dub!
@tony: the torrent is still active but it's very slow. we're still far from ep 79 though so it's okay. thanks for the link!
I hope the torrent lasts and you can get the "Bouken" episodes. Let me know if you run into problems, and I'll find some way of getting any missing files to you.
Thanks so much for taking on this project!
Pick for Fall 2012 as in pick what to sub next season?
Also, hi.
@ianu: Not really. just my pick for the best of the season. But if no one subs it, then maybe~
I assume half the scene will be all over SSY, and then Crunchyroll swoops down on it and ruins everybody's fun...
I actually think only a few will sub it because of Little Busters and the KyoAni anime...
Well, I know of two good high-profile groups that are going to do it barring a simulcast. Pretty much why we scratched it from our list, too =/
Good groups doing it is good with me since I also want to watch this. :D (this comment section has turned into a chatbox lol)
Haha, same here really. Subbing stuff really does things to your enjoyment of said stuff... but yeah, looks like CR will be latecasting it, but Evetaku and UTW are on it so I guess SSY is covered. Not that I really complain =3
Gaaahhh!! What is that purple...thing?! It's gonna give me nightmares!!! Yeeeek!!!
But that aside, this was absolutely adorable! I'm definitely going to follow this! Thanks for subbing it, and I hope you'll complete it to the end!
Hey so.. I'm many years ahead, but none of the links work now.. :c Can someone fix?
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