Here's the blogging part:
Shinsekai Yori (From the New World) - 01
(very short opinion on the show's 1st episode and its director)
Aside from the interesting plot synopsis and very good music in the trailer, another reason why I was hyped up for this show was that Ishihama Masashi was directing it. This will be his first time directing a series, and I really think this person has potential. He directed Senkou no Night Raid's OP (video below). While that was only 1:30 long, I think that really showed that he has potential (or talent). Not really that related, but he was the chief animation director for Dragon Crisis. He made a Studio Deen show have good-looking animation (I know there are other titles with good animtion, but...).
So, after watching the 1st episode... I wasn't disappointed. I thought it was a great first episode.
Just like Pandora Hearts' and Noein's 1st episode, many probably didn't like it that much. Their 1st episodes are the same in that nothing [big] happens in the 1st episode, at least not until the end. Because of this, many would probably say that it's slow or that nothing happened. That's true in a way, but I disagree. I think egbjai iei lwkmggsrgo wjgoijwoihg j2woigqiuhigvh sdghwuygqo 'rqpipo hiudshgi whui hi iheihwi ghiwguiw aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa too lazy to finish this post so I will end it here.
The point is that I think the 1st episode was great. It was the build-up type of episode which may not be what many expect from a first episode. But for me, if done right, it's a great way to start a series.
Senkou no Night Raid OP
7 comment(s):
It's really awesome you're subbing this show! Is it an overarching story or episodic? Just curious.
May check out Shin Sekai Yori when it's finished. Hopefully it won't dissapoint, like Natsuyuki Rendezvous did.
Moomin doesn't really have an overarching story that spans the entire series. It's not entirely episodic though. Episode 3-5 is one continuous story/arc for example.
I started reading the novel (Shinsekai yori) and I think it is very promising material. I'm looking forward to the anime series. I want to try to keep up with it in the novel, though, because I discovered that reading the Sakamichi no Apollo(n) manga made me enjoy the anime much more (especially when the anime fell to pieces in the last episode).
I agree with Klonoa about Natsuyuki Rendezvous. It started with a very promising setup, the ghost as an interesting representative of Rokka's inability to move on, and Ryousuke's awareness of the dead husband being in the way. Unfortunately, it went absolutely nowhere with that premise, failing to create any coherent account of the rules governing the fantasy elements of the manga and anime, and accomplishing very little except filling in backstory and rounding out the characters in a way which could have been done just as well without the ghost story. The final episode was even more of a disaster than the final episode of Sakamichi. The whole thing was very reminiscent of the failure of "Ano Hi Mita Hana".
Anime with ghost stories can be very effective (although they usually aren't). Tokyo Magnitude 8 is a fine example.
(Forgive me for going off on so many tangents.)
Though probably not in the same level as yours, I was also a bit disappointed with Apollon and Natsuyuki. I had very high expectations from those two after watching their first few episodes.
IIRC, the girl in TM 8.0 kinda had a psychological problem from the shock that caused her to [hallucinate] and see his brother. Though there was one exception in the last episode, I think.
http://myanimelist.net/profile/Klonoa79H Here is my MAL.
@mrkuuru That I felt was extremely effective in Tokyo Magnitude 8.0. When I figured out what happened to Yuuki, I shed some tears.
The final episode to that series made me cry buckets. Probably one of the best recent anime of the past couple of years this side of Usagi Drop. My main preferences are Seinen, Shoujo and Josei. SSJ... clever.
Wow! That "beautiful lady" is scaring.
Btw thanks a lot for the translation. Keep the great job!
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