Tanoshii Moomin Ikka - 19

on October 2, 2013
[release pic later]

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Sorry, but the very fast release speeds will probably continue for a while.

23 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

No worries, take your time. I'm enjoying this series very much. Thanks again!

Tony said...

Thank you.

Moomin-Fan said...

Thank you!

Connor said...

I appreciate these a whole lot. <3

Anonymous said...

thank you! but why your become slowly???!!

Tony said...

I've made machine translations into English of a set of Russian subs for most of the episodes from 20 to 75. The resulting English is horrible, but good enough to enable an English speaker to figure out what's going on in the episodes. If you would be willing, I'd appreciate it if you would post these here at your website for the use of people who have been following your translations. (They would need to obtain raw video files themselves.) Please tell me how to get the files to you if you are willing to do this. My e-mail address is : tonygh@verizon.net

Tony said...

I'm doing the same for sixteen episodes between 79 and 99.
I will also work gradually on improving the English in these files, but that will take a long time. I'd like them to be available to anyone who wants them as soon as possible.

Moomin-Fan said...

Will we get another one fore Christmas?

There are also Finnish subs available but only for the later episodes starting from about 50
those machine translations might really make the process easier/faster already because basically all time stamps are already given and don't have to be created/adjusted anymore. So I acutally really hope, the Cools could look into it.

Also in the meantime could you share the source for the Russian subtitles to us? I will send u an email now, tony.

thanks so much : -)))

Tony said...


As you thought, I'm pretty sure the source is:


Katten said...

@ Moomin-Fan

Hi! You don't happen to have these Finnish subs, or perhaps know where you can get them? :)

Mumin-Fan said...

here is the url for the Finnish subs:

the episodes are numbered differently though.
finnish episode 58 for example goes as the japanese episode 60, etc...

merry christmas! : -)

Katten said...

Thank you! :)

Anonymous said...

Where are you guys?!!!!!
I miss you :"(

Julia said...

Will more Moomin episodes be released? I just got into it and I love it. I'd hate for it to be abandoned.

Unknown said...

I just started watching Tanoshii Moomin ikka and I want to see more :D Pls continue with these subs they are amazing :D

Anonymous said...

Site is ouwaa? :(

Anonymous said...

This is awesome! I really hope to see all the episodes with original language and atmosphere. It's like watching the new serial of the Moomin. For some reason, the picture is much more darker in the Finnish release which I used to watch my whole childhood.

I appreciate your effort! Please keep on working!

- Moomins FTW

Anonymous said...

Don't know if you still check this, just don't give up please!
(i followed a manga start to finish that got a new chapter posted every 2-3 months so the speed is really no biggy)

Anonymous said...

are you going to complete the it... been waiting for ever -.-"

Anonymous said...

are you going to complete it... been waiting for ever -.-" ****

Anonymous said...

It's been over a year now.

I think it's safe to assume they've dropped it.

Sad, really. :<

Anonymous said...

b-but someone is still paying site costs right, so they must be alive at least ;w;

Anonymous said...

@previous comment :
Nop : https://cz.cc/

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